Diabetic Cure - You Need A diabetic Diet
You Need A Diabetic Diet - If You Are Diabetic Or Pre-Diabetic
This article is an excerpt on diabetic and introduction to diabetic diets. New statistical studies from the U S Center For Disease Control And Prevention show that around 23,600,000 (23.6 million) people in America have diabetes. There is an estimated 17.9 million diagnosed and 5.7 million undiagnosed. It is a fact that these people need a diabetic diet to control their diabetes.
Indications are that the numb er of people who develop diabetes will double in the next 10 years. This is all very alarming and it would be good for people to look at their lifestyle and develop good exercise habits and good eating habits ( a diet conducive to maintain lower levels of sugar)
An American Diabetes Association reports the increasing obesity of the American population is the precursor to an increasing number of diabetics. The American population needs to take a look at a diabetic diet to maintain good health
It is well for people who have not yet developed diabetes or pre diabetes to take a look at their diet and start exercising to reduce their chances of acquiring diabetes. The risk of diabetes can be reduced about 60% with proper diet and exercise maintaining weight control and eliminating obesity. Taking medication for diabetes is not a good thing and can be eliminated with diet and exercise.
A good diabetic meal plan will take into consideration a calorie intake of only about 1200 calories each day. Of course this will all depend on the exercise program. If moderate exercise is the plan, then this would be okay. A strenuous exercise program could allow for more calorie intake. A good diet would have roughly 40 to 45 percent carbohydrates and about 30 to 35 percent protein with the rest 20 to 30 % being from fat.
People want to see change over night with their diet change and exercise and there is just no way this will ever occur without making permanent changes. It will likely take 6 to 12 months to see the good changes take place. So, it will take a strong and persistent effort to see results.
A good diabetic menu and meal planning guide is essential to anyone working on improving their diabetic health. Paying attention to nutrition is important in planning the diet. Well planned nutrition and diabetic meal information is available at the American Diabetes Association - http://www.diabetes.org/food-nutrition-lifestyle/nutrition.jsp
Diabetes Natural Cure Information At http://diabetescure-youneedadiabeticdiet.blogspot.com/
This article is an excerpt on diabetic and introduction to diabetic diets. New statistical studies from the U S Center For Disease Control And Prevention show that around 23,600,000 (23.6 million) people in America have diabetes. There is an estimated 17.9 million diagnosed and 5.7 million undiagnosed. It is a fact that these people need a diabetic diet to control their diabetes.
Indications are that the numb er of people who develop diabetes will double in the next 10 years. This is all very alarming and it would be good for people to look at their lifestyle and develop good exercise habits and good eating habits ( a diet conducive to maintain lower levels of sugar)
An American Diabetes Association reports the increasing obesity of the American population is the precursor to an increasing number of diabetics. The American population needs to take a look at a diabetic diet to maintain good health
It is well for people who have not yet developed diabetes or pre diabetes to take a look at their diet and start exercising to reduce their chances of acquiring diabetes. The risk of diabetes can be reduced about 60% with proper diet and exercise maintaining weight control and eliminating obesity. Taking medication for diabetes is not a good thing and can be eliminated with diet and exercise.
A good diabetic meal plan will take into consideration a calorie intake of only about 1200 calories each day. Of course this will all depend on the exercise program. If moderate exercise is the plan, then this would be okay. A strenuous exercise program could allow for more calorie intake. A good diet would have roughly 40 to 45 percent carbohydrates and about 30 to 35 percent protein with the rest 20 to 30 % being from fat.
People want to see change over night with their diet change and exercise and there is just no way this will ever occur without making permanent changes. It will likely take 6 to 12 months to see the good changes take place. So, it will take a strong and persistent effort to see results.
A good diabetic menu and meal planning guide is essential to anyone working on improving their diabetic health. Paying attention to nutrition is important in planning the diet. Well planned nutrition and diabetic meal information is available at the American Diabetes Association - http://www.diabetes.org/food-nutrition-lifestyle/nutrition.jsp
Diabetes Natural Cure Information At http://diabetescure-youneedadiabeticdiet.blogspot.com/
About the Author
Paul Gardner is an author writing about diabetic health information.