Eat healthy, drink lots of water, have enough sleep and exercise. This will give you a higher chance of losing weight and improving your health, which would result to a new, healthier you.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Avocado and Skin Health

Avocados are widely known to be great sources of Vitamin E. But avocado and skin health advisories say that there are more health benefits that one can acquire from eating avocado or drinking avocado shakes. Vitamin E is very vital in the normalcy of bodily functions and it's considered to be an effective antioxidant. Antioxidants are supposed to protect polyunsaturated fatty acids in the membranes of body cells from free radical's harmful nature. Free radical and unwanted toxins are obtained through the food, beverage and air taken in by our body. When situations go worse, these free radicals can eventually trigger cancer and other diseases.
Avocado and skin health relatively connect to one another in a sense that avocados have been tested to have the most effective sunscreen benefits as compared to jojoba, coconut, olive, apricot kernel and sesame. The oil that avocado extracts is good in toughening the skin by triggering production of collagen  This means your wrinkles are reduced and your skin tone is enhanced. As compared to soy, olive or almond oil, avocado oil can penetrate the skin at the highest mechanism and allows the transportation of necessary nutrients from the outer to the deepest layer of the skin. Besides Vitamin E, avocado also possesses strong amount of Vitamin C which is required for the optimum production of collagen. Collagen are held responsible for the development of new cells and tissues that avoid the viruses and bacteria from entering.
Avocado also provides a considerable amount of thiamine that modifies carbohydrates into glucose to improve brain and nervous system functions. Riboflavin is also present in avocados which are actually a catalyst in releasing energy coming from good fats, good carbohydrates and proteins. Avocado and skin health tips suggest that if you eat avocado on a regular basis, you will help moisturize your skin. It works efficiently as a facial mask that improves your skin's texture. The meat of the avocado must be rubbed against your cleansed skin and leave it for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing. Naturalists have embraced this strategy for skin care. Survey says that regular eating of avocados aides the reduction of cholesterol. Avocado may contain high monounsaturated fat that can reduce the presence of bad solid compound in the body and bloodstream.
Vitamin C component found in avocado is helpful in reducing skin inflammation especially when exposed to sun rays. Avocado and skin health articles also tell that avocado has high presence of fiber and many B vitamins. It has even outlasted bananas for potassium component. According to surveys, fats found in avocados are beneficial in creating body's balance to obtain more good nutrients. Considering all the beneficial vitamins and cholesterol-lowering benefits of avocado, you won't regret if you have to eat some as frequent as possible because it is largely a food for the skin.
Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about skin health [], please visit Easy Skin Care Ideas [] for current articles and discussions.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vitamin-Rich Diet: Getting the Most Out of Your Foods!

We all have the need for essential vitamins and nutrients to build and maintain our bodies and enjoy optimum health. Getting them in our daily diets, however, has become increasingly challenging. From processed and frozen foods to fast food and packaged meal replacements, our regular foods have lost their freshness, and this does not even take into account the negative impact of depleted soils and added chemicals. So how can we get the most vitamins in our foods, and retain them to be sure we're eating healthy, wholesome foods? Read on for a few tips.

There are, in fact, many ways to ensure you serve healthy meals full of vitamins and essential nutrients. Buying whole organic foods is the starting point, and eating a wide variety of mostly fresh organic vegetables will go a long way toward improving and maintaining your health. It is a rare person who gets enough vegetables in their diet, but there are lots of ways to get them in if this is a challenge for you.

Healthy cooking techniques help to retain vitamins as well, for instance steaming rather than boiling vegetables, or sauteeing them lightly and including them in casseroles, etc.. Some ideas for making vitamin rich recipes include:

  • Choose recipes that call for cooking foods very little or not at all. Salads with a variety of healthy ingredients, grilled vegetables on fresh whole grain bread and al dente whole grain pasta tossed with lightly sauteed veggies and fresh extra-virgin olive oil would be examples.
  • Steam, bake, grill or braise foods when possible rather than boiling, which leeches crucial minerals and vitamins into the water. If you decide to boil vegetables, use the water as a broth for a soup or a sauce so you can enjoy the nutrients.
  • Avoid heavy sauces, high sugar content and high salt content. All impede your ability to absorb healthy nutrients and make you feel full before you've had a chance to eat enough healthy alternatives. Processed foods are usually rife with at least two if not three of these poor health culprits.
  • Eat vegetables (and fruits) raw when possible. You may enjoy some veggies lightly steamed, but raw is usually healthier. Wash them carefully before eating and choose organic to avoid pesticides and for the most nutrient-dense specimens. A special mention goes to tomatoes, which when cooked provide an essential phytonutrient called lycopene.
  • Add vegetables into your casseroles, baked breads (zucchini bread, anyone?) and other dishes such as pastas for extra nourishment.
  • Eat live foods like sprouts and sprouted seeds, which are extremely high in nutrients. Sea vegetables like dulse are very healthy, as are marine algae and other green sources of food energy. (Greens are available in powder or pill form if you want these supernutrients but cannot bear eating them.)
  • Mix it up: Change the veggies eat all the time, giving your body a wide variety of nutrient intake. Add various spices for fun, and try and use healthy flavorings such as garlic, onions and herbs (all extremely beneficial) instead of salt and sugar.

Shauna Arthurs writes about healthy living at her vitamin website. Visit today for information about vitamins and vitamin rich recipes.

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